Fixed Price Nonprofit IT Support
Unpredictable IT costs are the bane of an Executive Directors’ existance. Your staff rely on you to keep their computers working but you don’t sign on to be your nonprofit’s tech support!. Now you can keep staff happy while delivering results to the Board month after month after month. All without breaking the bank.
Stop Wasting Time and Start Empowering your People
Running a nonprofit doesn’t leave a lot of spare time. When tech support problems arise, the organization is in turmoil. The Board and staff look to you to solve them, and you have you’re not even close to being done with your own work.
As long as technology is working in your nonprofit, the stakeholders are happy, and you can get on with the important work. When technology doesn’t work, you’re on the hook. It doesn’t have to be this way.
We’ve helped Niagara Nonprofits just like yours overcome computer problems, permanently. You can be your staff and constituents hero again, We can be yours.

Should You Opt for Outsourced Nonprofit Tech Support or Hire Inhouse Computer Support?
Cutting Corners on IT is a Really Bad Idea
It’s hard to imagine much that’s more important to your nonprofit’s operations than your computers. Cutting corners on IT is a really bad idea and hiring in-house tech support brings its own challenges. Who manages the technician? Where does the technician go for support? You could hire a senior tech but at what cost? Add to that the extra costs involved in hiring any new employee, supplying tools, training.
Then, what is your new hire going to do? She can field support calls, check backups, map out the network, but then what? On her own, she’s going to have to be pretty resourceful to achieve meaningful results. Without a range of ongoing experience with other nonprofits and a team to work with, she’ll be grasping in the dark for projects to fill her time.
It’s not her fault. She doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. She has no peers and no manager experienced in IT. She may one day grow into the role of senior IT manager but at what cost? There will be stumbling along the way and continued training to stay up to date. Being human, there is always the risk that your hire will stumble, get training, grow into the role, and move on to a better paying job.
What if you could hire a team of technicians for less than the cost of an entry level technician?
Imagine someone else just dealing with technology and only coming to you for high level business matters. How would your days look once technology is off of your plate, your staff have go to for IT support, and your monthly technology reports are delivered to your inbox?
How Can We Help?
We’ll Give You a Plan
I have worked in or with nonprofits all of my career. Nonprofits are some of my favourite clients and I will work with you to develop a plan to provide you with the best IT support possible.
But I Just Want Hourly Support
While we strongly believe in the fixed price model, we’re happy to help with nonprofit tech support in any way we can. Let’s talk.